Can I make a claim on my Zero Deposit if a tenant doesn’t pay rent during the coronavirus outbreak?

Zero Deposit

Last Update 3 years ago

Please seek legal advice before looking to evict a tenant during the pandemic as the government may have rules around when you can start proceedings and these are subject to change depending on the situation with the pandemic.

This means you may not be able to end a tenancy by taking a tenant to court. So, just like with a cash deposit, you won’t be able to make a claim on the Zero Deposit Guarantee without ending the tenancy. Remember, though, you’ll be able to speak to your bank about a payment holiday on your buy to let mortgage or your rent indemnity insurer.

If you are thinking about eviction at the end of the tenancy, it is worth bearing in mind that the government is changing the civil procedure rules to include a requirement that landlords attempt out of court settlement once the period has ended. This may mean agreeing to a payment plan with your tenants.

Up to date details are on the government website which can be found here:

We want to support landlords who are protected by Zero Deposit Guarantees, so if you think you might have a claim and want to discuss it, please email us at [email protected] and one of our team will respond to your query. 

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