TDS did not review my evidence - I want to complain

Sam Zero Deposit

Last Update a year ago

We use The Dispute Service (TDS) to independently adjudicate our claims where the tenant disagrees with the claim. 

The platform that you use to provide your evidence is maintained by TDS. It is your responsibility to check the claim to ensure that you have submitted all of the evidence as we do not provide the opportunity to provide evidence at a later stage. We express this in our emails stating: “You will not be able to provide more evidence at a later date, so please include everything now and make sure that the claim outcome is fair.”

If you have stated further evidence is available on request, TDS will not ask for this evidence. You can click here for more information about the alternative dispute resolution process. 

Unless you can demonstrate there was an error with the platform or evidence was provided within the timeframes and not submitted, then please raise a complaint.

If you are unhappy with the service or feel there is an error in the adjudication, you can raise a complaint in the following ways:

  • Fill out the online form by Clicking Here and providing details of your complaint

  • Call the support team on 0333 200 2541 and they can raise a complaint on your behalf

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